Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. James 1:2

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Time Flies......

Okay, I know that it has been since August since I have posted on here. But as the title says "Time Flies" especially when I am working, taking care of the boys, the house, and my marriage (unfortunately that is probably the order in which these things are taken care of). I can't decide about this blog- whether I want to truly commit to doing it, what exactly I want to share on it, what it's purpose is, do I want a lot of people reading it, etc. etc.....

There are several topics I could write about, here they are in no particular order with no particular explanation:

  • my job
  • I joined Weight Watchers two weeks before Thanksgiving(I know a wacky time to join) and I have lost almost 10 pounds so far.
  • I have slacked off on W.W. these past two weeks so I probably have gained weight although our scales say I haven't. This is a disadvantage of going to meetings at work if you are a teacher and have a 2 week break.
  • My vacation and our wonderful Christmas.
  • Santa brought Guitar Hero for the boys for Christmas, who knew the 34 year old boy of the house would enjoy it the most!
  • I am not good at Guitar Hero, especially if there are any distractions. I bet having rhythm would help me too.
  • Carson got a real guitar from Uncle Gerald and Aunt Sherri. He loves it! But there goes our incentive for using the potty chair. Hopefully, a piano with a microphone will work.
  • We took Jackson to the eye doctor yesterday, apparently he cannot see anything far away. It was so bad that at first I thought that he was fooling the nurse but apparently not. Spiderman glasses have been ordered hopefully he will like seeing so much that he won't care about what the other kids think.
  • My 72 year old mother has a MySpace page. What is the deal with that?
  • My mother also is very sick with the flu right now.
  • Carson will be three in three days.
  • My mother will also have her birthday on the same day as Carson.
  • This morning Marc proclaimed "Soon it will be 2008, the year we get our act together!", he made the same proclamation about 2007 and it lasted maybe 5 days.
  • I have a ton of books to read. I got 4 new fiction books and two cookbooks for Christmas. These are in addition to the stack of 12 books that I have on my desk to pursue. Good thing I LOVE to read, it is just finding the time to do so.
  • Church-why is it the way it is?
  • My spiritual life- needs help.
  • Trust.
  • Why can't I seem to find a female Christian friend to bond with? Do I really lack social skills? or is it something else? I think effort has a lot to do with it.
  • People with negative attitudes bring me down. I know I used to be one of these people hopefully I am not now or at least I am trying not to be.
  • I need to make a plan for the year(plan = resolutions) but I could dig out the ones from years past because I say the same thing every year.
  • Marc and I have not been on a date for a few weeks, we lack a trusting, brave sitter who would enjoy our rambunctious boys. I think alone time with your spouse is a essential part of a good marriage.
  • Three spouses of teachers/friends that I work with got the the BIG V in the last month. It was interesting hearing the details of the procedure. From shaving, to smells, jocks, sweats, and frozen peas, it makes me a little nervous for my dear sweet Marcus when his time comes.
Obviously, there are things to write about. It is just deciding to do it. I better go be productive. I know I say that time is flying and it is but I don't want it to stop some day and have nothing to remember but the idea of capturing it. Later.....

Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Quick Post.....

It has been a few weeks since I have posted. I am trying to decide if it is a good idea to keep this blog. There are a lot more things that I should be focused on. Plus with school starting for both me and Jackson it will be a busy time. Today we have eaten big homemade waffles, went to church, and now we are in the process of putting together bunk beds and turning one of the boys bedrooms into a play room. I am doing this right now because Marc is cleaning the carpet and there is not much for me to do.

Today at church Pastor Brice did a sermon on getting our priorities straight. It was a really good sermon. One I needed to hear because right now is the time when I think that I am getting really busy with obligations. In truth though it is just me busying myself. If I really take a close look at what I am doing (which I plan to do) then I think I will find that I am just filling my time with "stuff". I think that sometimes I can be a little scared to slow down, be still, and look with in myself. He said to simplify and the way to do that is to say "No". Wouldn't you know that a half hour later one of the women from the women's group at church says there is a planning meeting Tuesday, why don't I come. I want to be involved but that would put me two nights out of the house in the evening for meetings. Plus Jackson's school's open house is on Thursday. Plus for some reason it seems like first graders have an enormous amount of homework each night. Then there is the time I need to spend with Marc and with myself. I think what it all boils down to is what would be pleasing to the Lord. Brice gave some ideas at the end of the sermon on how to start to prioritize, hopefully I can do this and Marc and I can do this as a couple.

Well, this wasn't a very insightful post but it was a post. I am not sure when I will post again. Peace.

Monday, July 30, 2007

In a slump without a piece of cheesecake

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
edit: This cat is scary, I may or may not look like this at times(my family may say that I looked like it in the past few weeks, sorry my sweet boys). Also, what is the deal with those lines around it, they are not there when I try to edit!

I haven't made a post in a while. I don't know why. Maybe it is because I feel like I am in some sort of slump- emotionally, physically, and spiritually. A slump really isn't a good place to be. Today has been better so maybe I am on my way out of it. Here is what I have felt like the last few weeks.
I look around and all I see is chaos. My house is not as organized as I would like it and it bothers me. Right now with two boys, it seems like I clean up one area and then I turn around and they have messed up something else. I know it just how it is right now but it still bothers me. I have a confession---- I am not good at house work and organizing. I wish I was but I just am not. I get big ideas but I don't follow through with it then I feel bad because I am not doing a good job with anything and then it feels overwhelming. I guess that is how I feel lately OVERWHELMED with it all. School starts in exactly two weeks. That means I have two weeks to get it together, plus get my classroom ready, plus go school clothes/supply shopping with J.C.(See), plus get on a bedtime routine, plus get some sort of chore routine figured out, plus lose some weight(I don't think the 1 and 1/2 pieces of cheesecake I just stuffed in my mouth are going to help with that), plus get organized , plus well I think you get the idea. I just put a lot of pressure on myself and then when I don't follow through or get the results I think I should get then I am disappointed. Man this isn't an uplifting post is it!
Well, I have another confession to make- I need to lose some weight. I probably have gained around 5-7 pounds this summer plus I needed to lose about 20 pounds any way. This is not good for my self esteem and I hate it. Plus, I just don't feel good and energetic. I like how I feel when I exercise and watch what I eat but I just can't stick with it. For example, last week I did a good job keeping track of weight watchers points for a day and a half. Then I went to the fair and of course when you go to the fair you have to have a deep fried Snickers bar. Then on Wednesday my good teaching friend took me out for my b-day and how could I say no to a China buffet when she was so nice to offer. Then the next day was my actual b-day and what fun is it to eat salad and fat free cookies on your own b-day? It has all gone down hill from there. Why can't I stick with any thing? Diets, schedules, house work......geez
Let me just say that I just feel like such a fake in this area. I have said for several months now I know what I should be doing(reading the Bible, having quiet time, being encouraging to others, helping, telling others about Jesus) but I am not doing it. I am very disobedient and this disappoints me to no end. I just do not feel very close to the Lord right now probably because I am not doing any of the above. We do go to church but I am also feeling discouraged there because some times it feels like high school with cliques and rumors. It is just hard to focus on what I am supposed to . I just feel like I need some time alone without distractions to sort all this out. On Friday and Saturday I will be attending the Women of Faith conference I pray that it helps me because sometimes I feel like I am just dog paddling through life!

Now not to be all complaining because that is what the above is perhaps I should at least write down some ideas on how to fix these things. I think I will start with the most important first:
1. Read the book I got for my b-day "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World"
2. Get up early to have a quiet time and read my Bible.
3. Pray and have a "heart to heart" with the Lord, confess and pray for guidance(this should be #1)

Emotionally and Physically:
1. Write out a plan for housework and actually stick with it for at least a month
2. Write out bedtime routines for myself and the boys
3. Commit to 30 minutes of exercise, this will be easier once school starts
4. Give myself a break, I am not nor will I ever be super woman!

Sorry this isn't a very uplifting post but it is life. Do any of the rest of you go through this or is just me? I hope it just isn't me or I might have to go buy some more cheesecake!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Last week's menu went pretty well. There were a few changes though. We didn't have the crock pot chicken that I posted. Instead we had a much simpler recipe for chicken in the crock pot and we had brown rice with it. My two year old loved this. Then on Friday we each made our own individual pizzas. It was fun and tasty. This week menu is pretty simple because of two reasons: 1. It is so hot that I do not want to turn on the oven much(although I did make chocolate chip cookies last night, yummy). 2. Next week we will be on vacation(woo-hoo) and I am trying to use what we have already and not have too many left overs. So here we go!

Monday- grilled hot dogs & brats, mac and cheese, and peas. Yes we are having hot dogs even after this.
(Okay, I know that just links you to my blog, scroll down to the post called Just Jesus).
Tuesday- ravioli, green beans, garlic bubble biscuits
Wednesday- grilled chicken w/this marinade, mashed potatoes, California mixed veggies, fruit
Thursday- tacos, corn, black beans, fruit
Friday- smoked sausage, potato packs, fruit
Saturday- leave for vacation be back next Wednesday late

For more great recipes and menus check out the Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday! Have terrific day and try to stay cool!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Just Jesus....

Yesterday, on the Fourth of July I had the displeasure of watching Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest on ESPN. About eight men and two women(who each weighed 107lbs) shoved as many hot dogs and buns in their mouths for ten minutes straight. As the competition began it quickly became apparent that there were two clear leaders in the competition, Joey Chestnut and Takeru Kobayashi. These men looked like they were literally swallowing the hot dogs whole and then they would stuff the bun in their mouth drink a little water to make the bun slide down their throat. Now I don't know about you but when I add any type of liquid to a bun of any sort it just becomes a dough ball. I just can't see that sliding down my throat smoothly. Perhaps this is why at one point it looked like this Chestnut fellow was convulsing and withering about, the announcers called this his special technique of using his upper abdominal muscles to move the food down to create more room in his stomach. I just called it him looking like he had a problem. As time went on the competition intensified and the two men were neck and neck or dog and dog or something. Well with 15 seconds left they were tied and my husband exclaims "They need to shove as much in their mouths as possible because what ever is in their mouth will go towards their count." And shovel they did. It was at this time that I started gagging uncontrollably and my six year old proclaimed "That is sick" and left the room. As the bell rang to end the competition, the most horrible thing happened. Apparently, Takeru Kobayashi stuffed so much bun and hot dog down his throat that he reached his limit and he started spewing the contents of his mouth and stomach between his fingers for all the world to see. It was so gross and they kept replaying for our viewing pleasure, perhaps it was for dramatic effect. Poor guy he didn't even win. Joey Chestnut ate 66 hot dogs in ten minutes. So here sat the other guy, former champion, with throw up betwixt his fingers and on his shirt for the world to see. I can't imagine this felt too good, mentally as well as physically. Of course, Chestnut proclaimed he would eat another hot dog if he needed to.

Watching this I couldn't help but think of our society today. We are virtually in our own hot dog eating contest every day. We shove in more and more into our lives. Sometimes it is hard for us and we wither about trying to get more in. I think that people think that more is better. "Look at all I can do, all that I've got, and I can do more, get more if I want to." I think of it as the "Super Parent/Person" syndrome. For some reason in the last twenty years or so we have had the idea of more is better shoved down our throats like a big hot dog. Frankly, I am more and more getting choked on the idea of it. There are days when I crave the simpler times when people wouldn't be in such a rush, where it seemed like everyone cared about one another, and where everyone wasn't out to prove something. That is basically what it all boils down to, if I do more and have more then it must prove that I am someone, I am a success. In the last year I have found out that kind of thinking is so off the mark. Success to me is and would be if I am a person who serves the Lord. If someone looks at me and thinks "I want some of what she has" and they ask what it is and I can say "Jesus". Not money, not weight loss, not some magic pill-- Just Jesus. I want to be a light for the Lord so that my family and strangers will want that instead of meaningless things. Every day I need to keep this in mind because like everyone else I am human and I sin and get off track. But that is the wonderful thing about my Lord every time I realize these things he is there with open arms. I can imagine him saying "There you are my daughter, I forgive you and I missed you. Let's get back to work." People have it so wrong and I hope they realize it soon before they are standing there with life spewing through their fingers and a mess on their shirt.

Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the Lord, And he shall give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:3-4

Monday, July 2, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

After a busy weekend it is time to get back on track with Menu Plan Monday. Last week it was nice to have everything already planned out. I wasn't wondering what was for dinner. Hopefully, this week will work out the same but it is kind of crazy with the 4th being in the middle of the week.

Monday- Baked ziti with sausage,peppers, and onions
Tuesday- Grilled pork chops
Wednesday- I'm sure we will grill out again, maybe ribs or hamburgers
Thursday- One-Dish Chicken Supper(crock pot recipe from the Fix-It and Forget-it Cookbook)
Friday- Pizza
Saturday- Eat out
Sunday- Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, carrots(I love making Sunday dinner)

I want to try to eat in a healthier way. I don't want to call it a diet because I want to make a change in my eating habits that will last a lifetime. Some of the above might not seem healthy but if I use ww pasta and 2% cheese in the ziti that is a little healthier. The grilled stuff isn't too bad. Thursday and Friday may not be too healthy but I also I think it is about portion control too and making better choices. Check out Laura's site for more great meal plans and recipes.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Monkeys, Pottys, Vacations, and Sandcastles

This is what I have heard from the monkeys in the last few days. See and Do were sharing a jump rope, using each handle as a microphone, and pretending to be Blake Lewis beat boxing. See says "Lift the roof and shake your boo-tay." I thought it was raise the roof but maybe I am out of the loop because the Daddy at dinner that night said the same thing and didn't raise an eyebrow(or a roof for that matter). Yes, this is normal conversation heard around our table.

We were outside playing in the backyard and Roscoe our dog who thinks he is a beaver(this will be explained in a future post) was sitting by me. I guess Roscoe was having trouble with controlling his--umm, well let's see for lack of a better term--his lipstick(this is what I call this male dog anatomy now since a girl at church called it this). Any way, Do walks by and glances Roscoe's way and says "Oh potty chair!" Potty chair, indeed.

Speaking of potty chair, Do knows the word, knows that he will get an M&M if does something in there, knows when he pottys or poops and says potty chair when his diaper needs changed but he will not actually do anything in the chair. We keep talking about it but I don't know whether I want to push it or not. His brother was almost three before he was potty trained (he is strong willed). When he did finally go to the potty it only took a couple of days for him to get the hang of it and he had very few accidents after that. It just seems silly to push it if Do is going to be frustrated or have a bunch of accidents.

The Daddy and I are terrible decision makers. We are going on vacation in a few weeks and we have no definite plans at this time, no hotel, no destination. At this rate we will end up staying at home to watch the grass grow. Part of the problem is finding something that a two year old, a six year old, and two thirty-four year olds would like to do. Another thing is that Do is going through the "Terrible Twos". We just really don't know how he is going to do in any situation because frankly at times he is a little wild man. The Daddy is supposed to e-mail me a list of his top destinations, ranked in order of preference of course, later on today. Hopefully, we can make a decision today or at least before the night we are supposed to leave.

One last thing. Lately I have been feeling like a "bad" mom. I have no patience. I feel pulled between the fact that I should be doing meaningful activities with the boys and cleaning the house. Why is it that I can't find balance with anything? Maybe I am too hard on my self or maybe I am not hard enough. Sometimes it feels like I am climbing up a mountain made of sand. Taking one step at a time but sliding back one step for every two steps taken. I know it will get better with time. Then I will look back and think "you silly girl, look, those were the best times with the hugs, kisses, and funny things that happened." Right now though it is hard to sometimes to see that or appreciate that. Right now I know I should live in the moment and maybe just maybe I should get my shovel and pail and build a sandcastle with my family on that sand mountain.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Well I am going to try something new and plan my meals for the week on here. Of course, we will be going to Cincinnati for the annual Four Sport Weekend. We will be going on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning so there isn't much planning for the week. Here it goes:

Monday- Fettuccine Alfredo, peas, garlic bread, and fruit
Tuesday- Roast, potatoes, and carrots in the crock pot, Bisquick garlic and cheese biscuits, fruit
Wednesday- Hot dogs, baked beans, corn
Thursday- Breakfast for dinner, eggs, smoky links, toast, and fruit
Friday- frozen pizza if we around
Saturday- Cincy
Sunday- Don't know when we will get back, so the frozen pizza if we don't have it on Friday or soup or something.

Check out Menu Plan Monday for more plans and recipes.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Some Random Things on a Saturday Morning

  • This week I went to a conference about all day Kindergarten. It was funny because I felt like the presenters were trying to sell the idea of all day Kindergarten to the audience. I don't know about anyone else but I want ADK at my school otherwise I wouldn't be at a conference about it on my summer vacation. I have wanted it for five years. After sitting there all day I find out that the cash to fund this might not be there after all. That is kind of like showing me a big bowl of ice cream and then taking it away. Mean very mean. Oh well, I got a doughnut, lunch, and a Coke(all free) out of the day.
  • We went swimming on Thursday at a local state park. we had never been there before, it was very nice. the Do was very excited at first to be playing in the kiddie pool and then he got splashed in the face. This pretty much did him in and he wouldn't leave my side or get in at all. He end up falling asleep in his daddy's lap(not in the pool silly) which might have been the problem since the water activities were in the middle of nap time.
  • See loved the pool. I think he must be part fish. He and his dad went down the water slide four times together. This could be a problem the next time if it is just me and the Monkeys that go there. Maybe See would go down by himself. We were all worn out at the end of the day and I got a sunburn but it was a fun time.
  • I started out this week on a diet. I got some new digital scales, point friendly food, and I was ready to go. Then I ate big bowls of frozen yogurt(at least it wasn't real ice cream) two nights in a row, I had a doughnut, I ate almost an entire bag of chips with my family at the park, and we had Papa John's pizza last night. Do I have any self control apparently not. Well, I will have to elaborate on this later because apparently the Daddy is having a nervous break down serving the monkeys breakfast....Okay I am back several hours later. Anyway, this diet thing, I am sucking at it. Maybe I should start exercising then start the diet. I have considered joining this challenge at Tales from the Scales but that would make have to be accountable or something. I guess that is what I need or maybe I just need more doughnuts.
  • My mom came over and watched the Monkeys while I went to the dentist. She let them throw pillows and stuffed animals at her and each other for entertainment. I can't ever imagine my mom ever letting me throw pillows or stuffed animals at her when I was growing up. I guess that is what being a grandparent is about---I guess.
  • Well we are going to watch Monster House. I hope it isn't too scary for the Monkeys or me for that matter!
Have a terrific Saturday night, catch ya later!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Life in The Monkey House

I am a mom of two boys Monkeysee age 6 and Monkeydo age 2. Life at times can seem like I am living at the monkey house at the zoo. This morning already has had my husband looking in Do's nose with a flashlight to see if there was a random Lego up there, See running around with swim goggles ready for a swim on this rainy day, and three loads of laundry that need to be folded and put away. At times I want to pull my hair out because life seems so crazy other times I want to stop the clock hands from going so fast. Even though life can seem like a roller coaster; dipping, turning, speeding at rates so fast that some days are a blur, I wouldn't miss the thrill for anything because before I know it the ride will be over.
I want this blog to be a place to record the events of every day life-the highs and lows. What I am learning that even though it feels like our family is the only one that has these sweet and sour times it is not true-we aren't alone, everyone has a monkey house they live in(some people just cover it better), and it makes me feel better to see that I am not the only one.
Well I better go check the Monkeys, they are probably swinging from the fans by now!